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For when France seems too far away. Shop for inspiring images of France and discover travel tips, packing advice, recipes, book reviews and more.

Recommending The Musée Rodin



I was speaking with a colleague today who is about to head off on her very first trip to Paris. She is excited, and I am excited for her. And our conversation really got me thinking about my must see places in Paris.

It it is worth noting that, as a rule, I am truly useless at answering this question. I tend to recommend that everyone visit everywhere!

But, if I am truly pressed, I can narrow it down to some key highlights. And the Musée Rodin is always on my list.

Why? I am so glad you asked.

  1. The museum is easy to find and easy to get to, either by foot or from the Varenne Metro station.
  2. The museum is varied, with indoor and outdoor components, as well as featuring both artwork and (of course) sculpture.
  3. It’s not too big. Good for families and for visitors who might be ‘museum-ed’ out (or who might just have short attention spans). You get a whole lot of museum for a small investment in terms of time and money.
  4. Everything about the place is just gorgeous!

If you are in Paris and have not yet visited the Musée Rodin I can highly recommend it!

Until next time – au revoir.




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